Working with Children Check

In Broken Bay we take our responsibility to protect children seriously. All staff are expected to promote child safety by having a clear understanding of their legal child protection responsibilities.

Anyone applying for teaching or school support staff positions will be required to apply for a Working with Children Check and obtain clearance before being eligible to work in a Broken Bay Catholic Systemic School.

To apply for a Working With Children Check:

  1. fill in an online form at聽聽or call the helpline to have someone fill in a form for you
  2. take the application number to a聽听辞谤听, pay the fee (if applicable) and have your identity confirmed (you will need to take聽聽with you)
  3. provide your Working With Children Check or application number to CSBB staff for verification as part of your application

The Working With Children Check will be valid for a five-year period for any child related employment within NSW.